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Selling Manchester home with a mortgage: Fast property sale

Sell your mortgaged Manchester home

Buying a house without a mortgage is a feat that few can achieve, given the significant financial investment involved.

However, the sale of a property is a more common occurrence, one that numerous homeowners may encounter at some point in their life. 

Therefore, if you find yourself in the position of needing to sell your Manchester property that is currently under a mortgage in 2024, it is important to stay well-informed. 

Selling a house with a mortgage in Manchester involves several steps and considerations, like understanding your financial obligations and the current Manchester housing market. 

Here’s everything you need to know about selling a mortgaged house in Manchester.
Sell your mortgaged Manchester home

Is it harder to sell a mortgaged property in Manchester? 

Selling a property with an outstanding mortgage in Manchester does present unique challenges, but it’s not necessarily more difficult than selling a property that is mortgage-free. The key difference lies in the additional layers of complexity and the need for planning and coordination with the market. 

The process is indeed more time-consuming and requires a higher level of attention and effort. When selling a mortgaged property in Manchester, you’re not just dealing with potential buyers but also with mortgage lenders, solicitors and estate agents.

This network of professionals help facilitate the sale, ensure legal compliance and manage financial transactions. As a result, you may find yourself more reliant on these experts compared to a mortgage-free sale.

Financially, selling a mortgaged property in Manchester can be more costly. You may encounter additional fees such as mortgage discharge or early repayment charges, alongside the standard solicitor’s fees. These costs can accumulate, making the process slightly more expensive than you might initially anticipate.

However, despite these challenges, selling a mortgaged property in Manchester is entirely feasible. Many homeowners successfully navigate this process every year. It’s important to enter the process prepared for some extra costs and admin tasks. 

Before starting to sell your mortgaged house in Manchester, consider the following:

  • Mortgage details: Understand the terms of your mortgage, including any penalties for early repayment and the remaining balance.

  • Market research: Analyse the current Manchester housing market in order to know the demand and average property prices in your area can help you set a realistic price.

  • Professional assistance: Engage with trusted solicitors and estate agents who are experienced in handling mortgaged Manchester houses. 

  • Preparation for sale: Ensure your property is in good condition to attract potential buyers. Sometimes investing in minor repairs or cosmetic improvements can significantly enhance the property’s appeal. 

  • Financial planning: plan for the financial implications of the sale, including the costs associated with paying off the mortgage and any potential Capital Gains Tax. 

  • Timing considerations: Timing can be very important when selling a house with a mortgage in Manchester.

How do you find out your remaining balance on a Manchester mortgage?

When selling house with mortgage in Manchester, the most important thing to consider is what you still owe on it. What happens to a mortgage when you sell a house is vital to know, and that will totally depend on how much of the mortgage you have paid off. 

Get started by contacting your mortgage lender to get the exact amount you owe, including any early repayment charges you may incur. Then, request a redemption statement which will detail the amount needed to pay off your mortgage in full. 

The redemption statement will also include the outstanding balance, interest accrued up to the date of repayment and applicable early repayment charges. 

The statement will also help facilitate a smoother coordination with your solicitor and estate agent, as they will use this information to manage the financial aspects of the sale.

Knowing the exact payoff amount will help you understand how much you need to clear the mortgage and is important for setting the selling price of your property on the market in Manchester. 

It is also useful to compare the mortgage payoff amount with the expected sale price of the property, so you estimate the equity you will have after the sale. This equity is the profit you gain which could be used for purchasing your next Manchester property, investing, or other financial goals.

Can you sell a house that is mortgaged in Manchester?

Yes, you can sell a house that is mortgaged in Manchester, Selling a property that still has a mortgage is common in the UK housing market. The key thing to consider is that the sale proceeds must first be used to pay off the remaining mortgage balance to the lender. 

The most common method to sell a mortgaged house in Manchester is through an estate agent, where you will list the property on the open market. Selling a mortgaged house in Manchester will usually take around 6 months, but you will receive full market value. 

You can also choose to sell your property privately without using an estate agent, and this option will eliminate the need to pay estate agent fees and could potentially speed up the process. However, it is far more time consuming as you will have the majority of the house selling.

There is also the option to sell a house via auction, which can be particularly effective if your property is a little quirky, is in need of renovation or has been sat on the open market for a while. However, there is the risk that it won't sell at all.

One of the better options to selling a mortgaged house in Manchester is via a cash house buyer as it is the fastest way to sell. We can buy your Manchester property directly, in as little as seven days. 

we'll buy your house in as little as 7 days

What happens to a mortgage when you sell a house in Manchester  

When you are selling a house in Manchester, there are several steps you need to take to ensure your mortgage is paid and your lenders are satisfied:

  1. Property sale: When you agree to sell your house, the price is set based on the market value and any negotiations with the buyer. 

  2. Mortgage payoff: On the day of sale, the mortgage on your property needs to be paid off. The money received from the sale of the house is used to repay the remaining balance of the mortgage to the lender. This is often handled by your solicitor or conveyancer. 

  3. Remaining funds: If the selling price of the house is more than the mortgage balance, the remaining funds after paying off the mortgage are yours, this is often referred to as the equity you have in the property. 

  4. Shortfall: If the sale price is less than what is owed on the mortgage, this is known as negative equity. You will still be responsible for paying the remaining balance of the mortgage. 

  5. Early repayment charges: Some mortgages have early repayment charges. If you are in a fixed-rate, tracker or discount mortgage, you might have to pay a charge for paying off your mortgage early. It’s important to check the terms of your mortgage for these details.

  6. Next steps: If you’re planning to buy another property, you might be considering transferring your existing mortgage to the new property (known as porting your mortgage) or you might be looking to pay off the old mortgage and take out a new one. 

We would always recommend seeking advice from a financial advisor in Manchester who specialises in property transactions to understand your specific situation. 

What happens when selling a house before paying off mortgage?

When you sell your house in Manchester, the money from the sale is first used to pay off the remaining balance of your mortgage. Your solicitors will liaise with your mortgage lender to obtain the outstanding mortgage balance and ensure that this amount is paid from the sale proceeds at the time of completion.

In cases where the selling price is less than the mortgage balance, this situation is known as negative equity. You are still responsible for paying the remaining balance to the lender. It’s essential to communicate with your mortgage lender if you anticipate this situation. Some homeowners might use savings, take out a loan, or negotiate with the lender for a solution.

If you’re moving into rental accommodation or have other plans, you’ll need to consider how to allocate the equity you receive from the sale after paying off the mortgage.

The legal process of selling a property involves several steps, including drafting and exchanging contracts, conducting property searches, and eventually transferring the property’s ownership to the buyer. Your solicitor or conveyancer will handle these aspects, ensuring all legal obligations are met and the sale is completed smoothly.

What happens if the sale in Manchester doesn’t cover the entire mortgage?

If the sale of a house in Manchester doesn’t cover the entire mortgage, this is known as negative equity and you are still responsible for the outstanding balance. If the sale price doesn’t cover the full amount of the Manchester property mortgage, you must pay the remaining debt to the mortgage lender.

You should contact your mortgage provider as soon as you realise that the sale might not cover the mortgage. In some cases, lenders might agree to a negotiated settlement or offer a plan to pay off the remaining balance over time.

If you have personal savings or the ability to take out a personal loan, these might be used to cover the shortfall. Failing to pay off your Manchester house mortgage in full can have a negative impact on your credit score and this may affect your ability to borrow in the future.

If you need to take debt advice, you can seek an independent debt advice service like the Citizens Advice Bureau or the National Debtline.

sell your Manchester home fast for cash

How to find out what your mortgaged property is worth in Manchester  

Depending on position in the city, further development, renovation and decoration, your home could have increased or decreased in value since you bought it, so getting a valuation is vital for kicking off your sale, particularly if you have a mortgage, as once it is repaid you will have a clearer idea of the cash you will have leftover for moving forward with another property.   

1. Energy performance  

Next, you need to get your paperwork in order. Before marketing your property for sale, you must have a valid EPC, or Energy Performance Certificate.  

This certificate provides information about the energy efficiency of the property and its environmental impact. These are needed before you attempt to sell any UK property.  

2. Local authorities and planning constraints  

Then, you need to be set up with a solicitor, because they will handle the bulk of the legal stuff you need to deal with. 

Your solicitor or conveyancer will typically conduct local authority searches to check for any planning issues, road schemes, or other matters that might affect the property. 

Manchester, like many growing, attractive cities, faces various planning issues related to urban development, housing, transportation, infrastructure, and environmental sustainability, so do take an interest in local issues that may impact the sale of your home. 

But, because the city is growing, despite the mortgage on your property, it will be attractive to buyers. 

The demand for housing in Manchester has increased, leading to rising property prices and concerns about affordability, this could however be good news for someone selling. 

However, if someone is looking for a property to develop further,​​ they may run into a few obstacles. 

Local authorities are keen to preserve Manchester's architectural heritage and cultural landmarks while accommodating new development. Therefore there are strategies in place to protect and enhance heritage assets, manage development pressures, and promote sustainable growth that any buyer or seller should be aware of.  

3. Home reports 

Home reports may not be mandatory in England, meaning Manchester authorities don’t require them like they do in Scotland, but they are helpful, and may make the property more attractive. 

The Home Report provides potential buyers with detailed information about the condition, value, and energy efficiency of a residential property being marketed for sale. The Home Report aims to provide transparency and help buyers make informed decisions when considering a property purchase, hopefully making the process smoother for sellers too.  

4. Advertising your Manchester property  

If your property in Manchester is central, has great transport links, and room to grow for a family perhaps, it will be an attractive asset. But, it still is ethical to be clear that this may not be a simple sale due to your mortgage status, and advertising with a home report could provide potential buyers with clarity and transparency as to the value of the property. 

It is not a legal obligation to advertise that a property is mortgaged, but it is essential to be transparent and disclose any relevant information about the property's financial status to potential buyers. Misrepresenting or concealing material facts about the property could lead to legal and ethical implications that could cost you even more in time and money. 

The property’s mortgage status and your transparency around it may be a good way to build trust with a potential buyer. 

Naturally, ​some buyers may have concerns or questions about the property's mortgage status, such as the remaining mortgage balance, early repayment charges, or implications for the sale process. Don’t shy away from these. Being prepared to address these questions and provide accurate information can help build trust and facilitate informed decision-making for potential buyers.  

Discuss what to disclose and when with your solicitor.  

sell your Manchester home off market

When do you have to inform your mortgage lender when selling your house in Manchester?  

Once you have a clear plan for sale of the property and what the property is worth, you need to talk to your lender. 

You'll need to inform your mortgage lender of your intention to sell the property. They will provide a redemption statement detailing the amount needed to pay off the mortgage in full upon completion of the sale. You may incur charges for paying off the mortgage early.  

The buyer’s mortgage status  

If the buyer requires a mortgage to purchase the mortgaged property you are selling, their mortgage lender will conduct a valuation and assessment of the property. The outcome of this assessment can influence the buyer's mortgage approval and potentially affect the sale process.  

Paperwork and Solicitors   

You need to be on it with your paperwork and solicitor as coordinating the timing of the sale with the mortgage redemption and completion dates is vital. Delays or discrepancies in scheduling could lead to complications or additional costs for both parties, which no one wants. 

Costs of selling a Manchester mortgaged property 

The cost of selling a mortgaged property with all of the legal and financial implications may naturally be high, but there could also be some major losses depending on the market value of the property.  

It can be a problem if the outstanding mortgage balance on your property exceeds its current market value, you could make a serious loss on your sale. Selling a property in negative equity means that the sale proceeds may not be sufficient to cover the mortgage debt and associated costs, resulting in a shortfall that you would need to cover yourself, which is no small feat.  

Equally, selling a property in a declining or stagnant market could result in a lower sale price than the valuation or your expectation, which may lead to financial losses compared to the property's potential value in a better economy.  

Excellent communication  

It is really important to maintain effective communication and collaboration with your mortgage lender, estate agent, solicitor, and the buyer's representatives to effectively navigate potential challenges, to address issues promptly, and facilitate a smooth transaction - something everyone will be happy with.

we'll buy your Manchester house for cash

Best way to selling house with mortgage in Manchester

Selling a home with an outstanding mortgage in Manchester can be a stressful and confusing process, especially in a vibrant housing market like Manchester. At The Property Buying Company, we understand these challenges and offer a streamlined solution to make this journey as stress-free as possible.

We specialise in cash buying, meaning we can speed up the selling process in Manchester significantly. While we may not offer the full market value, our competitive pricing ensures a fast and guaranteed transaction, perfect for those with time constraints, broken chains and people needing to move on. 

Our aim is to remove the complexities and anxieties associated with selling your home. From handling paperwork to managing legal issues, we take care of the details so you can enjoy a hassle-free selling experience. 

Our reputation speaks for itself. With over 1,000 glowing reviews on Trustpilot and as proud members of the National Association of Property Buyers and The Property Ombudsman, we offer a service you can trust. 

Why sell a mortgaged property in Manchester to The Property Buying Company?

Our process is transparent, we don’t have any hidden charges and won’t give you any unexpected fees. We provide a chain and fee-free service, ensuring you always get a straightforward and honest deal.

Each home and homeowner’s situation is unique. We provide personalised, no-obligation cash offers tailored to your specific circumstances, ensuring the best possible outcome for your sale. 

In the ever changing Manchester housing market, we understand timing can be vital. We work efficiently to ensure you can receive a cash offer and potentially have funds in your bank account in as little as 7 days.

If you’re considering a fast, reliable and effortless way to sell your mortgaged home in Manchester, The Property Buying Company is here to help. Connect with us today to receive your free, no-obligation cash offer and discover how we can assist you in making your next move with ease and confidence.

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