Sell My House Fast
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We explore the N244 form and how this could help you suspend an eviction notice...

It is estimated that within the next 12 months, the number of private tenants in rent arrears could triple (LSE). It is also estimated this will lead to three times the number of formal evictions as before the Covid-19 pandemic, with 50,000 evictions expected (Trust for London).

These numbers are too high to ignore, leading you to think about what would happen if you were served an eviction notice and if there’s any way to stop an eviction…

Say hello to the N244 form.

The N244 form may be your secret weapon when it comes to stopping an eviction and you’ve come to the right place if you want to know all about it.

We’re going to help you with filling out the form and its costs – things you’ll NEED to know for stopping an eviction with a successful N244 form.

Also, we’re going to talk you through what other options you have, as, unsurprisingly, a long-form doesn’t appeal to everyone!

To find a quick answer on anything N244, this menu will come in handy:

What is an N244 form?

A N244 form is an official court application form used when an eviction notice has been served and you want to get a hearing for your case in front of a judge, as they have the power to suspend the notice.

What is form N244 used for?

As we just mentioned, the N244 form is used to get a hearing in court in order to stop an eviction. It can be used if you have more time on your hands or in an emergency situation.

In more urgent instances, an eviction can be stopped in as little as 24 hours after the successful submission of the form.

You can’t just turn up at court and ask for a hearing without making sure the other parties are aware first. In order for a successful N244 form, the other parties will need to:

  • Have notice of the application

  • Have their say – will need to tell the court whether or not they believe the order should be made, before the order has been made and at the time of the hearing

What is a draft order N244?

An N244 draft order is the wording of the order that you’re asking for. There’s no right or wrong way of doing this but you need to ensure it explains what you’re asking for and what your reasons are for doing so.

You can also attach a copy of the draft order to your N244 form when you apply to the court, which spoiler we speak more about later.

Want help with covering your debts?

How much does an N244 form cost?

The cost of the N244 form will depend upon the type of application you’re submitting and what sort of court and judge your case requires.

The government website provides two fees for an N244 form, which are:

  • General application (by consent or without notice) - £100

  • General application (application on notice) - £255

If you’re in any doubt, get in touch with your court office and they will give you a better idea of what the N244 fee is.

If you’re unemployed or on benefits and unable to afford this fee, you can apply for some financial help. If you want some more information, read this.

How to fill out an N244 form?

The N244 form is long and slightly complicated. It’s important you fill it out correctly and in as much detail as possible in order to get a hearing, or even have the eviction stopped without the need for a hearing.

You can download the N244 form here, or you can visit your court office who will provide you with the form.

To help you with filling it out, we’ve named each section of the N244 form and given you some details on what you will be expected to do for each section:

  • Name of court - this is the court where the hearing will take place. If the case has been heard in court previously, write the name of the court where it’s currently taking place in or where it has most recently taken place

  • Claim number - this is a unique reference which allows the court to find and action your claim

  • Warrant number - this only applies to those who have already had a court order put in place

  • Claimant and defendant's name - quite self-explanatory, the names of both parties and any relevant references

  • Date - another obvious one, the date the form has been filled out

  • Section 1 - the name of your legal representative, if you have one. If you’re filling out the form yourself, then just put your name here

  • Section 2 - here you detail whether you’re the claimant, defendant, legal representative or ‘other’

  • Section 3 - this section involves you detailing what order you’re asking the court to make and why you’re doing so

  • Section 4 - this is a tick ‘yes or no’ whether or not you have attached a draft of the order you’re applying for (we told you we’d come back to this! If you don’t know what we’re referring to, we went over what exactly a draft order is earlier so if you’re confused refer back to the first section)

  • Section 5 - this section allows you to state how you want the application to be dealt with, stating whether or not you want a hearing and if you do whether you want it over the phone, in court etc

  • Section 6 - here you detail how long you think the hearing will last, using a time which has been agreed by all parties. It’s not advisable for you to guess in this section, so if you don’t know just leave it blank

  • Section 7 - if you have any details about a fixed trial date or period, then fill those in here. This only applies to you if your case has been allocated a date for your hearing or a ‘window’ of when the trial could be

  • Section 8 - here you should indicate which level of Judge your hearing will require, which will depend upon which court your case is being heard in

  • Sections 9 and 9a - in this section you should detail the name and address of the party to who a copy of the N244 form should be sent to

  • Section 10 - this section allows you to detail what evidence or information you will be used to support your application, whether that be a witness statement, statement of case, etc. It’s important you fill out this section in as much detail as possible to increase the chances of a hearing/suspending of an eviction notice

  • Section 11 - the easiest but potentially most important bit, SIGN and add your contact details

Don't like the sound of a long N244 form?

We can help!

You should make copies of your N244 form, ensuring there is a copy for each party that is to be served with the application and a copy for the court.

Can you submit form N244 online?

You can submit the N244 form online but it is advised that you or your legal representative does it in person. Submitting the N244 form online is useful for when you need the process to be fast, for example, if you only have a few days before the eviction notice is to be served.

It’s important you have legal help when filling in an N244 form, to ensure you have filled the form out in as much detail and provided as much evidence as possible, in order for you to get the decision you want.

Are there any other options for a N244 form?

Yes! If the N244 form is sounding like the wrong option for you, then the good news is there is another method you could use to help suspend your eviction notice.

To stop an eviction, you should try find a way to catch up with house repayments and pay off the debt ASAP. ‘What’s a way to get money fast?’ I hear you ask – sell your house FAST!

And now you’re wondering what your options are to sell your house fast…

You could sell your house at auction or to a quick house sale company.

This may be a better option to N244 form as there’s no worry that you will be unsuccessful and get evicted and, if you can get the right price, you will be able to cover the debt and have money left over to look to start again somewhere new.

At auction you will get serious buyers, with their finances in place. After the hammer comes down on a sale, contracts are exchanged, and the buyer has between 20 to 28 days to complete. However, the buyer is still able to pull out and forfeit their 10% deposit, leaving you with no buyer and a house to sell ASAP. 20 to 28 days may also be too long if you’re needing to urgently stop an eviction.

With a quick house sale company, all you have to say is ‘sell my house quickly’ and they will give you a cash offer, with some able to complete in as little as 7 days! These companies also don’t pull out of sales, unlike the risk you face at auction.

Also, at both auction and quick house sale companies it’s highly unlikely you will get 'gazundered'. This is important for trying to stop an eviction, as you’ll need to be sure selling your house will allow you to cover the debts.

Although through auction you will have serious buyers bidding, part of the process will be that your property needs to have a few open days, slowing the process down. Also, the buying of your property will generally be subject to a survey, causing uncertainty around whether you’ll be able to sell your house to cover the debt.

But with a fast house sale company, the offer isn’t subject to a survey and if a house viewing needs to be arranged, it will only be one quick viewing, organised around you to make sure there is as little disruption as possible and that the process can go ahead FAST.

At auction, there’s demand from multiple buyers which can mean the price is driven up, meaning you could get a higher price than you expected, allowing you to cover the debts and have money left over for a fresh start. BUT you have to pay a commission of the sold price to the auctioneer, and you will also have to pay for advertising and marketing costs, as well as room hire. You will also have to cover all your own legal fees.

At a quick house sale company, you don’t have to pay anything, you’re effectively selling your house ‘for free’. Yes, you don’t even have to pay the legal fees, you just get an offer, accept it and then get the cash in your bank, ASAP!

A quick house sale company also doesn’t take any commission unlike at auction, so the price you’re offered is what you will get in your pocket!

After weighing up the pros and cons, you may find yourself looking for a quick house sale company…

Hello! Here we are!

We’re happy to buy your property off you for CASH! No need for a long N244 form here! We’re able to move your sale quickly, with a timescale to suit you – we’re ready to act in an emergency, just like a N244 form might, except you can rest assured you will be successful with us.

We cover all the costs, even your legal fees, and we’re happy to help organise removals, anything to make things easier for you!

We have over 50 years combined experience and loads of great reviews on Trustpilot (be sure to check them out!) to show we’re a ‘sell house fast company’ you can trust.

Why not get you on your way to selling your property fast, with no worry and uncertainty of a long N244 form, by giving us a call or completing our online form to get your no-obligation CASH offer!

sell your house fast for cash
Alexandra Ventress

Alexandra is a Content Producer who enjoys writing articles, finding out about the property market, keeping you up to date with the latest trends.
